fredag, februar 03, 2006


Søren Nielsen skrev:
Kim Larsen wrote:

Some of us in Denmark is deeply ashamed of what is going on in our
relation to the Arabic world and the fact that Denmark now is a
country which is international known as a racist nation. Therefore
your letter for some of us in Denmark is unwanted, there is nothing
to be proud of. I have problems to tell foreign people that I'm
dansih, but unfortunary I am. I hope for the future that Denmark will
return to be a tolerant and proud nation rather than a little racist
and mentally poor nation as we are for the moment. It maybe will take
several years to get rid of this nasty reputation that Denmark now
has abroad.

Jamen, du er da velkommen til at følge med de her såkaldte danske imamer ud af landet, hvis du er så utilfreds med at være her. Du er ikke den eneste, der ikke er stolt over du er dansk.


Nej, det er han bestemt ikke. Vi må så håbe, der ikke er alt for
mange tonedøve nationalister.

Mogens Michaelsen

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